I was treated me with respect kindness, and professionalism
Finding the right attorney can be very difficult or it can be very easy but when fighting for what is right and or your life you can only hope to make the right decision. I am beyond grateful to have been able to be represented by such a prestigious Law Firm everyone at this Jeff Lewis Law was extremely helpful knowledgeable and friendly, but their consistent professionalism speaks volumes.
Special Thanks to my day-to-day Senior Paralegal Mr. Jason Ebbens you are so kind and helpful, and you truly made the court process an easy one keeping me informed about every part of my case. Thank You, Mr. Jeff Lewis, for being the powerhouse that you are but also for your kindness that you and your law firm “The Whole Team” took my case when no one else would and treated me with respect kindness, and professionalism. — Ms. YKW
Special Thanks to my day-to-day Senior Paralegal Mr. Jason Ebbens you are so kind and helpful, and you truly made the court process an easy one keeping me informed about every part of my case. Thank You, Mr. Jeff Lewis, for being the powerhouse that you are but also for your kindness that you and your law firm “The Whole Team” took my case when no one else would and treated me with respect kindness, and professionalism. — Ms. YKW
You're in good hands here!
After being bullied and harassed and threatened by my former landlord’s attorney, I left a Google Review of that attorney and filed for a court order that he stop harassing me. (I was asking for my security deposit back.) I was then SLAPPed with a defamation and malicious prosecution lawsuit by my landlord’s attorney, who asked for well over 50 thousand dollars in damages. A real nightmare. One phone call with Jeff made me certain I was in good hands. He explained anti-SLAPP laws in CA in incredibly simple terms and I felt ready to take this on. Then, after ONE phone call with Jeff, my landlord’s attorney withdrew his complaint– he completely folded (which, by the way, did far more damage to his reputation than my silly google review). Jeff is an incredible legal talent and also an incredible people person. You’re in good hands here!
— Charlie
— Charlie
Jeff knows his stuff cold, and he's a nice guy too!
Got sued for speaking my mind in public. Jeff filed an anti-SLAPP motion that looked like a Supreme Court brief. Got the individual who sued me to pay all of my costs. Jeff knows his stuff cold, and he’s a nice guy too!
— Joe
— Joe
I unreservedly recommend him
Hiring an attorney is a scary thing sometimes. I called and spoke with a number of lawyers, and chose Jeffery because of his responsiveness, directness, and my sense of his integrity, as well as his experience in my filed of concern. Candidly, I was very worried about his billable hours, as many attorneys I spoke with seemed to need thousands of dollars before even really getting started.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that he took just the time he needed to handle the communication I needed him to address (one issue billed out at under two hours over a period of several weeks – it isn’t the cost per hour as much as the time a particular attorney needs and how he calculates his time). He kept me up to date by email so I never felt out of the loop, followed my requests, and gave candid and valuable advice that, far more often than not, limited his compensation and always looked out for my interests.
Jeffrey negotiated a $100K+ (unreasonably high) lawsuit down to about $7K in one instance, and navigated a difficult negotiation for me in another situation with a very difficult, unreasonable, and vindictive individual. As a small, family business, these two issues could have been very impactful on us without good representation.
I do hope I never need his litigation orientated services again, but he has my trust and my business for my legal needs in the future, and I unreservedly recommend him.
— Mark
— Mark
Jeff kept us informed each step of the way
The public medical center where I work had a dispute with a real estate development firm. Sadly, the issue escalated, and the real estate firm sued the medical center and two individuals. Fortunately for the medical center and me, Jeff Lewis was our counsel. He is very diligent and a knowledgeable attorney who went above and beyond my expectations!
Throughout the entire process – from depositions to trial – Jeff kept us informed each step of the way. He took time to explain and educate me on the process. He identified various options on how to proceed and discussed possible outcomes as well as the business impact. I am impressed that he is so personable and understanding with clients, and then tough and appropriately aggressive in the court room. He is professional, and remained professional despite some questionable tactics by opposing counsel.
He is always responsive and is well versed on the law. We are lucky we hired him and had a good outcome. If the need arises in the future – it’s Jeff and his team who I will seek out to assist!
— Pam
— Pam
Jeff handled everything and helped preserve my first amendment rights and saved the day.
I must admit, I can be outspoken and posted truthful negative reviews on social media and there was unwarranted backlash from the business I targeted. I found myself sued for the first time in my life and literally scared to death. Jeff handled everything and helped preserve my first amendment rights and saved the day. He’s certainly an expert in this area of the law and would highly recommend his services to anyone that is legally being bullied. He filed on my behalf an anti-SLAPP motion that resulted in a successful outcome for us. I can’t thank him enough for his help.
— Anonymous
— Anonymous
Mr. Lewis is very pleasant to work with, very knowledgeable
Mr. Lewis is very pleasant to work with, very knowledgeable for what he does, utilizing the most expert professional in his deposition. He will be very highly recommended to my friends and relative whom needing legal assistance in the areas of his expertise. He talks very clear and well, gets to the point fast and help to achieve your legal rights.
— Hamid
— Hamid
I am highly satisfied with his firm's services that exceeded all my expectations.
Mr. Lewis kindly agreed to represent me in the malicious prosecution case filed against me and my previous attorneys without any basis. He took my case at the beginning of 2014, thoroughly studied numerous volumes of evidence in the underlying case, and recommended that I file an Anti-Slapp motion. His office prepared all necessary documents in a highly professional manner. During the preparation period he very clearly explained me all important points and promptly answered all my numerous questions. All motion papers were filed in timely manner.
Mr. Lewis won this case despite the fact that Plaintiff was an experienced lawyer and the owner of a law firm which has a multiple law offices all over California with many high-ranked attorneys at his disposal.
During the five years since my underlying case began to develop, I have met quite a few attorneys (actually, more than 12). Unfortunately, most of them did not deserve any good words and were only trying to take advantage of clients in vulnerable situations. Mr. Lewis was the outstanding exception from this trend. I consider Mr. Lewis’ work, professionalism, and attitude as rare demonstration of what attorney and human being should be. I am highly satisfied with his firm services that exceeded all my expectations. He has worked with me hand by hand all the time and constantly explained to me all my options so I could chose the best way of action. He was strong enough representing me at the court hearing despite a questionable tactics often used by opposite side.I wish Mr. Lewis success in all his future cases and I am sure that all his future clients will be in good, reliable, and clean hands.I highly recommend him to anyone who needs trustworthy and professional attorney.
— Diana
— Diana
I have given Jeff Lewis and his team Sean Rotstan and Jason Ebbens 5 stars for the following reasons:
1. They made it through the first hurdle in a defamation case which is the difficult California anti-slapp law.
2. Jeff was outstanding with his his questions and objections in the 3 depositions that I attended. From my point of view it felt very comfortable knowing that Jeff knew his objections down cold and the way he questioned the deponents was extremely effective which I believe greatly helped us settle the case at mediation.
3. Jeff has a excellent grasp of the defamation laws.
4. Jeff is very articulate and applied great reasoning and tactics throughout the handling of my case.
5. I highly recommend Jeff Lewis Law without reservation. Jeff Lewis Law is a diamond in the rough. What I believe every client hopes to find but rarely does.
6. With only one week left before the statue of limitations was to run Jeff took my case and saved my reputation which had I delayed for just another week would have been permanent and devastating. I probably appreciate that the most of all and am very grateful to Jeff.
7. I am also an attorney and feel I have a very deep understanding of the law and know what Jeff is capable of from a legal and client point of view.
— Andrew B
— Andrew B