SLAPP’d in San Diego: Court of Appeal Confirms Requirement that a Malicious Prosecution Plaintiff Prove it Prevailed as to Entire Prior Action Jeff Lewis Anti-SLAPP, Appellate Law, Law anti-SLAPP, Appeal, first amendment, Malicious Prosecution, SLAPP
Summary of June 2017 Writ Workshop by LACBA Appellate Section Jeff Lewis Law, Law Practice Appeal, Appellate Law, Court of Appeal
SLAPP’d in Corona: Anti-SLAPP Protection not Applicable to Claims against Homebuilder Shea Homes Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Law anti-SLAPP, Appeal, corona, first amendment, SLAPP
Four Things Every Trial Lawyer Should Know About Civil Writs Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Civil Law, Law, Win It Appeal, California, motion to expunge lis pendens, petition for writ of mandate, public records act
How to lose your appeal before it starts Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Civil Law, Law, Win It Appeal, Appellate court, appellate procedure, real estate, Trial court
Malpractice Claim Against DLA Piper Reversed Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Civil Law, Law, Law Practice Appeal, Court of Appeal, DLA Piper, malpractice
3 Reasons a Trial Lawyer Should Retain an Appellate Specialist as Co-Counsel Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Civil Law, Law, Law Practice, Win It Appeal, Lawyer
Three Ways a Trial Lawyer Can Strengthen the Odds of Winning on Appeal Jeff Lewis Appellate Law, Civil Law, Law, Win It Appeal, California, Court of Appeal, Lawyer