Judge finds Bush Administration illegally wiretapped phone conversation between Islamic charity and lawyers Jeff Lewis Law Criminal Law, Fourth Amendment, War on Terror
Hearings held over U.S. policy of warrantless border search and seizure of laptops Jeff Lewis Law Criminal Law, Fourth Amendment, Immigration, War on Terror
Former detainee sues U.S. military contractors Jeff Lewis Legal News Civil Rights, Eighth Amendment, Fourth Amendment, War on Terror
Court dismisses lawsuit against Boeing Co. unit over \”rendition\” flights Jeff Lewis Legal News War on Terror
EFF sues Homeland Security over searches of travelers’ laptops and other invasions of privacy Jeff Lewis Legal News Fourth Amendment, War on Terror
The intersection of the First Amendment and Homeland Security Jeff Lewis Law first amendment, War on Terror
\”The most comprehensive illegal domestic spying program in history\” Jeff Lewis Legal News first amendment, Fourth Amendment, War on Terror
Federal terror prosecution may re-define \”danger to community\” standard for bail hearings Jeff Lewis Legal News Criminal Law, War on Terror