Jeff Lewis on Gurvey’s Law Discussing Harry and Megan’s Paparazzi Lawsuit Jeff Lewis Privacy celebrity lawsuits, Lawsuit, paparazzi, Privacy, royalty
Jeff Lewis on Good Morning Britain Discussing the Duke and Duchess Privacy Lawsuit Jason Ebbens Law, Legal News, Privacy dronerazzi, drones, goodmorningbritian, law, Lawsuit, legal, legal news, paparazzi, Privacy, royalty
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle File Lawsuit Over Privacy Rights Jason Ebbens Law, Legal News, Privacy courttv, dronerazzi, drones, law, Lawsuit, legal, legal news, paparazzi, Privacy, royalty
Jeff Lewis featured on KABC: Smartphone apps tracing Coronavirus and social distancing raise privacy concerns Jeff Lewis First Amendment, Legal News, Privacy contact tracing app, coronavirus alert app, coronavirus tracking, covid-19 alert, first amendment, jeff lewis law, Privacy, smartphone app
Photographers’ Rights in California Jeff Lewis Civil Law, Law, Privacy ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, first amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, photography
Legal Articles of Note Jeff Lewis Law, Privacy Al-Qaeda, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Los Angeles Times, Overlawyered, The New York Times, Washington Post
Court of Appeal Affirms Police Use of GPS from Stolen Phone to Locate Phone Thief Jeff Lewis Law, Privacy Cell Phones, Fourth Amendment, GPS, IPhone
Lawsuits Spawned by Carrie Prejean’s Remarks Not protected by anti-SLAPP Statute Jeff Lewis Anti-SLAPP, Appellate Law, First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Law, Privacy california court of appeal, california court of appeal second district, confidentiality agreement, prejean