Prince Harry and Meghan Markle File Lawsuit Over Privacy Rights
The Duke, the Drone and the Paparazzi: my comments were included in this Court TV video aired on July 27, 2020 about the newly filed lawsuit in Los Angeles County regarding photos taken by a drone of the couple’s young child. The allegations are that the photo was taken with a drone in the backyard flying only 20 feet from the ground. The lawsuit invokes California law prohibiting the use of drones or other electronics to take private photos. The lawsuit names 100 \”DOE\” defendants which are placeholders for the real names of the photographer and the buyer or seller of the photographs. The defendants could be liable for treble damage and fines of up to $50,000. If the photographs are used commercially, the defendants will have to disgorge their profits. Dronerazzi beware, the royalty are coming for you!
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